Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cherry Clafoutis

Clafoutis is a light French dessert made with thick batter, black cherries, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. It is so easy to make and so good that you're going to wonder why the French have been hiding this awesome recipe for so long! Apparently, clafoutis became very popular in France in the 19th century. Although the original clafoutis is made with black cherries, you can substitute them with blueberries, peaches, blackberries, and other fruit. Use frozen or fresh fruit.


  • 3 cups cherries, pitted (you may use frozen fruit)
  • 2/3 cup sugar plus 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup milk (you can use almond and soy milk too!) 
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • pinch of salt
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • butter for greasing
  • powdered sugar for garnish

Preheat oven to 350F. Combine cherries with 1 tbsp of sugar. Set aside. With an electric mixer beat 2/3 cup of sugar with the eggs for a few minutes until the mixture becomes foamy. Add milk, vanilla, and salt. Mix well. While mixing, gradually add flour. Beat until the batter is smooth. 

Grease a 9-inch baking pan or pie dish with butter. Arrange cherries on the bottom of the pan in one layer.  Pour the batter over them. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!

Tip: This time I made Clafoutis in ramekins. I divided the cherries and the batter between 6 ramekins. If you're using a smaller pie dish, don't make your clafoutis too thick or too high. If your pie dishes are small, I would divide the cherries and batter into two parts and bake two pies instead of one. The dessert should be fairly thin, about 1 inch.)

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