Sunday, January 13, 2013

Russian Style Blueberry Pancakes with Kefir

The most beloved drink of Russians (after vodka, of course :) is Kefir, a dairy product (99% lactose-free) full of probiotics. As it turns out, not all bacteria is bad. Without good bacteria in your intestines and stomach, your body simply wouldn't be able to function. Here's what Liz Applegate, PhD, says about Kefir, "Healthy gut microbes make up a hefty portion of your body's defenses against unwanted pathogens. Kefir provides a dozen strains of good-for-you bacteria that literally build a barrier in your intestinal tract against unwelcome bugs, and improve immune-cell function" (Runner's World Magazine, January 2013).

You can add Kefir to your pancakes, smoothies, mashed potatoes, cereal or you can just drink it plain.

Kefir has recently become popular in the USA as well. You can now buy it in virtually any grocery store. Just look in the health aisle. It comes in differnt flavors: blueberry, raspberry, pumpkin, etc, but I recommend plain Kefir as it contains more probiotic bacteria than flavored Kefir.


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 1/2 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 1/4 cup Lifeway Kefir
  • 1 egg
  • cooking spray

In a bowl combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder and whisk well. Make a well in your flour mixture. Add Kefir and egg. Whisk everything until the mixture is nice and smooth. The batter is ready!

Heat a large skillet and lightly oil it. Scoop a little bit of batter for each pancake and brown on both sides. Use a piece of paper towel to remove burned oil before each new batch. Apply oil for every batch of pancakes.

Serve with fruit, berries, Nutella, whipped cream, butter, or Russian style with sour cream and Raspberry jam. Приятного аппетита!

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